Thursday, January 23, 2014

Don't Give up!

We all have those days where we just want to give up and relax. Whether school is stressing you out or work, we all want to be able to breathe. Sometimes we aren't able to, but that doesn't mean we should just give up and forget about it. If we give up we are getting rid of the chances we would have had by doing that one thing. One thing that I always usually give up on is exercising. It takes a lot of dedication. You have to workout to get the body or the healthiness that you want. You have to eat healthy and manage the time to exercise. Time management is always a key to exercising. For me, I have to manage school and work and exercise.
Others have a lot more to work with. But the thing to remember is t never give up. 

Quote of the day:
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."- Thomas Edison 

Photo of the day: 



I feel like people get so caught up in life so quickly. We either have work, school, homework, or even extra activities. We lose value to how the world is. Some times we will say "oh I'll do it later," or "it can wait till next week." What happens if it can't wait till next week and you just keep putting it off. Most of the time the worldly things stet getting in our heads and start making us change our ways. Lately I have been thinking to myself that why am I always mad. I shouldn't be mad, we have little things that bother us, but that doesn't mean that we should worry about what happened. We should move on and just start new. Everyday I have been waking up and if I'm in a bad mood I will just forget about it and just smile and just carry on with my day, but when I keep the madness and the frustration it takes a toll on me. With my last semester I had started this and I just felt like I could accomplish anything. It didn't matter what any one else thought, as long as I knew that I was happy and that I could forget about everything that was going on and just enjoy life days by day. We live one more day every time we breathe. Take that chance and be happy. Because one thing in life is gonna break you, and you are going to have to be ready for it. If found a picture on Twitter and it really spoke to me about individual worth and how I see myself on the inside and outside.  

Quote of the Day: 
"Life is too short to waste any amount of time on wondering what other people think about you. In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn't have the time to sit around and talk about you. What's important to me is not others' opinions of me, but what's important to me is my opinion of myself." - C. Joybell C.

Photo of the day:


Monday, January 20, 2014

Have You Had a Dream?

Today is Martin Luther King Day, so this post is going be about how we can live up to our goals and dreams, just as Martin Luther King had. Dr. King wanted for men and women of both colors to be equal and to be one. Back when segregation and giving up your seat to the front of the bus was legal, didn't show how the Constitution of the United Stats was put to use, "That men is created equal." Martin Luther King had help make a stand for those who were of different color. He had a dream, that one day whites and colored would be friends. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, we should all have a dream that one day would become a reality, just as his has. Today we have the opportunity to go to school with colored people and to be equally the same as them. There are the same as us, just because they are of different racial standings doesn't mean that we should treat them different. We are one, equal,and integrated beings who live in this country to have freedom.

Many of us have many dreams or goals that we want to accomplish. Whether it be to be an actor or an actress, healthy, a singer, or even a dancer. We all have to start somewhere and it just takes time. So, get up and pick a goal or a dream that you want to follow.

Quote of the Day:
"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Photo of the Day:


Sunday, January 19, 2014

What do you Dislike??

There are so many gross and just disgusting things out there. Many things bother me. The top 10 things that I have either a fear or just gross me out are here or scare the HECK out of me. If any of you freak me out with these I will scream at the top of my lungs..

1. I have a complete fear of snakes. I can not stand them. I will cry if i am put near one. My biology teacher my freshman year of high school had to snakes in his classroom, I would not touch them or go near anyone who was holding them. I would FREAK out...
2. I really do not like feet. I don't even like my own feet. If you touch me with feet, I will go absolutely crazy.
3. I think that public bathrooms are really disgusting. (but who doesn't)
4. I hate germs, I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer on my end table in my bed. You can never see me without some sort of cleansing thing on me.
5. I really hate it when people don't shut the toilet lid before they flush. When you flush your toilet, you basically aerosolize what you just did in the toilet. Which is pretty disgusting.
6. I HAATTTEEE scary movies. When I watch a scary movie I literally have nightmares and think that something is going to happen to me at night when I am sleeping for a pretty long time. My all time scariest movie that I have ever watched is THE RING! Yes, the one that has the girl. Yeah that one. I am beyond scared of that movie. I always think that I have only 7 days to live. My friends have now started to print pictures of the girl and put them in their school binders and make me freak out when they show me. It all started when I was just a teensy little one.
7. I hate it when people touch my face. IT BUGS THE HECK OUT OF ME!
8. I also really hate when my pencils run out of eraser before they run out of lead. Couldn't it be the other way around.
9. When people read my messages, or go through my pictures.
10. I really hate it when people don't coordinate their clothing..

Quote of the Day:
"My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and the the courage to accept the love in return." -Maya Angelou

Photo of the Day:


Saturday, January 18, 2014


Who doesn't love spending time with their family... Today most of our family was able to go to the Craig Park. We of course had a picnic and just felt like we were away from everything. Us kids had a excellent time hanging with each other. It's always nice to hang out with family. We walked around fed the ducks and played on like all of the playgrounds. You are never to old to play around on those.. Here's some of those pictures I told you I would post.. 
                   Rock skipping. 
            One of the jungle gyms.
          Most of the cousins! 

It was a beautiful day to be outside. Clear blue skys, 70 degree weather. What else could you ask for? 

Quote of the Day: "Sometimes you just have to dance to the music that's given to you." -David Boreanaz 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Leadership in the Workplace

For my Hospitality Exam we had to write a post for a blog about something in the workplace. I chose to write about leadership, which also allowed me to share some of the leadership I had used for soccer.

The definition of leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization, but how does that apply to leadership in the workplace? Here are 8 steps to being a leader in the workplace (cr. to wiki how)

1. Focus on the goals of the organization
2. Assembling teams to get the job done
3. Define tasks to get done
4. Facilitate meetings
5. Address problems in a timely manner
6. Resolve conflicts in the workplace
7. Show respect for all workers and clients
8. Give constructive criticism

There are so many leadership experiences whether it be in a sport, a class, or in the workplace. A leadership experience in the workplace could be the CEO, or the regional manager. My mom works in a credit union. She is the branch manager and has a lot to do. Whether it be through creating a steady work ethic, to making sure that each team member is respected by all other employees. Her job sometimes gets extremely stressful, but with her excellent capability to get things done on time makes her an absolute good team leader. Most of the time she has to keep up with all the drama that happens in the workplace, she is like the one who clears everything up.

Being a soccer player on varsity for 3 years, allowed me to be a leader. My team had chose me to be the captain for the 2013 soccer season at Eldorado High school. Though it was a lot of pressure to make sure that my team was not having any drama, it allowed me to be a great team leader. Having this opportunity allowed me to see how much being a leader can help in a workplace. I had the ability to make my team unified. Just as my mom has done in the workplace. As a co-captain, I needed to focus on the goals of our team. Our goal was to go playoffs and work hard to make it to state. To do that we needed to work as a team on and off of the field. We had different jobs that we needed to do whether it be a goalie or a forward. We had to have an organized practice and if we had problems then we would have to work them out in a timely and respective manner. Girls have drama and so our soccer team had a few conflicts that we had to resolve. As a team, we needed to respect ourselves and our teammates. If someone was doing something wrong our coach would give us constructive criticism which also made us as captains give constructive criticism to the other girls, which allowed us to work better as a team. Being a leader means to also be there for the team and because we worked as a team, we were able to make it to the second round of playoffs. It wasn’t state but it sure was an awesome season to be a captain.

So, the next time you are the leader, whether it be through a company or a sport remember the 8 steps to being a leader.

Quote of the Day:

"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."- Martin Luther King Jr.

No picture today. Sorry


Thursday, January 16, 2014

What Do You Want To Do Before Your DIe?

Wasn't today just an absolute perfect day. I could say so myself. Exams...Fun people....Lunch, In N Out...and playing Chinese Fire Drill. Some times you just have to live a little. Days go by when we think, "Oh I wish I could have done this," or "Why have I never tried it?'. Every one has those things that we all want to do. Think of it as a Bucket List. Things on the bucket list can't be done until we are older, or because we are to old we can not do those fun things anymore. Some times its even medical restrictions that restrict you from doing something that you have waited your whole life to do. You should always be ready to have fun. Do not necessarily think YOLO, but think what do I want to do before I die. Well here are some things I have on my bucket list:

- Go to Washington, D.C.
- Skydive out of a plane
- Go cliff diving
- Run a marathon (especially, the Color Run)
- Learn guitar
- Write a song
- Road Trip across the United States
-Take a trip to see the Olympics
- Take a trip to Hawaii
- White Water Rafting
- Take a picture of something CRAZY!

There are so many things to do. Whether it's just taking a picture of the sky or running your first marathon, DO IT!

Quote of the Day:
"What is the point of being alive if you don't do something remarkable?'-John Greene

Picture of the Day:

Look for something that no one else can see, because only you can make a difference.

Every day a picture will be posted. One that I have taken. More will be posted, as well as with the slideshow!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The First One

We all have a first to everything. Something's could be taking your first dance class, going to the beach one day, and riding the scariest roller coaster. My dad and brother had made there own go-kart. It was made out of all wood and wheelchair wheels and some sort of other kind of wheel. With a rope as steering. We want to the Mormon church to go down the hills there everything was working fine. When all of a sudden my dad had this awesome idea. For those who don't know the big steep Owens hill, they had decided to go down that gut twisting thing! My brother was the first one to start going down and started about 1/4 of the way from the bottom, which isn't that steep, he was called a 'baby'. He double dogged dared my dad to go from about half way up, well it was going extremely well until he got to about where I was standing with the camera. He had totally lost control, the only thing he could possibly do was to crash. Leaving him in a total mess. He made it out alive, but has gashes and burns from the gravel on Owens hill. Like I said we have a first for everything. That's when you have to trust yourself and follow what you believe. 

So each post I will leave a quote. To ponder and to help with those daily trials that we all go through. 

"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create set bing that will live forever." 

Go out and do something that will live forever, because you never know who you are gonna help!
