Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The First One

We all have a first to everything. Something's could be taking your first dance class, going to the beach one day, and riding the scariest roller coaster. My dad and brother had made there own go-kart. It was made out of all wood and wheelchair wheels and some sort of other kind of wheel. With a rope as steering. We want to the Mormon church to go down the hills there everything was working fine. When all of a sudden my dad had this awesome idea. For those who don't know the big steep Owens hill, they had decided to go down that gut twisting thing! My brother was the first one to start going down and started about 1/4 of the way from the bottom, which isn't that steep, he was called a 'baby'. He double dogged dared my dad to go from about half way up, well it was going extremely well until he got to about where I was standing with the camera. He had totally lost control, the only thing he could possibly do was to crash. Leaving him in a total mess. He made it out alive, but has gashes and burns from the gravel on Owens hill. Like I said we have a first for everything. That's when you have to trust yourself and follow what you believe. 

So each post I will leave a quote. To ponder and to help with those daily trials that we all go through. 

"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create set bing that will live forever." 

Go out and do something that will live forever, because you never know who you are gonna help!


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