Monday, September 1, 2014

What Shapes Us?

There are many things that shape who we are. Whether it be someone, something or somewhere. Many things have shaped me and how I look at life. About 5 or 6 years ago, I lost my great-great grandmother, Nana. She was someone who I looked up to and who I loved dearly as a role model. She passed away in the midst of the night, but watches over my family and I. Every single night no matter how dirty the sheets are, I sleep in the ones that she slept in. They might not mean something to someone else, but to me it was memories. Memories of the last times I go to spend with her. Her death shaped me into trying to be a better person. Her death was probably one of the hardest for me to go through, and I bet if one of my other grandmothers were to pass away soon it would probably be just as hard. I love being able to have trials that help shape us to become better people or even better the person who we were meant to be. It is amazing how different things shape us. 

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