Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Jumping the Line

I'll admit that there are good and bad days! There are days where you just want to lay in bed all day and watch Netflix, or you just want to eat all of the bad food your body can take in. Don't let it! Find something that will get your mind off of those negative things.. Look at all of the things you have accomplished! Maybe you have friends who are so smart and you look at all of the positives that they have, yet while your thinking of the positives of them, you are thinking of the negatives of yours. It's hard to think of the positive things in your life! That's where we are so caught up in worldly things that we don't quite know how much of a blessing it is, to see that we can just jump over a line and be in the long eternal things. I do it sometimes.. I look at how some people get full ride scholarships to their dream schools, and I never did, but there was a reason. If I wouldn't have messed up my knee my senior year, I would have never realized my needs to go on a mission. And with going on a mission I will be receiving so many more blessings in the long run, then I would have received going to the dream school of my choice. As you change your mind set, not only is life going to be better, its going to help you to get what you want in life.

I'm finally getting back into running again. I realized that I needed a stress reliever and that was the only thing that was going to work! But I definitely changed what I do as I run. I don't listen to music all that much anymore. Right now I have been listening to podcasts. BYU Speeches and Devotionals and as I was running last night I listened to "Failure and Success" and "For When I Am Weak, Then Am I Strong." Let me tell you, they were both amazing. They both talked about medical school and also about snowboarding accidents. But even just the line, "For when I am weak, then am I strong." It just sticks out to me. We are going to be weak at times and that just reminds us that we are human and we have trials, but with the Lords help we will be strong after we are weak.

Well thats it for this week.

The posts are starting to just come up when I have time.. So sorry they aren't on a set schedule.

So thankful for the people who read it and who have time to just sit and listen to me blabbb..

Love you all! See you next time.


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