Sunday, July 19, 2015

3 Weeks Later & a Mission Call

Sorry there hasn't been a blog post in what feels like forever. These past few months have been a roller coaster. So lets catch all of you up! Starting with the big news first!

#1- After waiting what felt like an ETERNITY, I received my mission call! For those of you who don't know where I will be serving for the next 18 months of my life, I will tell you! On September 9th, 2015, I will report to the Provo Missionary Training Center! There I will learn how to teach investigators about the Gospel of Jesus Christ! After 12 days in what everyone says is like Hogwarts for missionaries I will be sent 2,401.6 miles away from my family! The only contact that I will have is weekly emails or letters and twice a year I will be able to Skype (Mother's Day & Christmas)! Words can't describe how happy I am to serve in such a beautiful place! There is no other place that I would rather serve in than the VIRGINIA RICHMOND MISSION! Being a missionary is NOT going to be easy, its probably going to be the hardest thing that I will ever get myself into, but I sure am ready to invite those people to Come Unto Christ!

#2- With my mission call I also had the opportunity to go through the temple and take my endowments out. (Which is making a promise to my Heavenly Father)! The temple is such a beautiful place not only outside but inside as well! I am so grateful for the temple that is so close to me! 

Those are most of the major things that have happened recently! But there are definitely more to come! At this point in time preparing for my mission was easy, but now that I have about 50 days left till I enter the MTC it is getting harder! 

I am so excited for this next chapter in my life and I can't wait to serve the people of Virginia and to invite those who are prepared to come unto Christ! I love this gospel so much and I can't wait to be a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

July 3rd, 2015~ At the Happiest Place on Earth!

My best friend is serving in the Russia Samara Mission & I am serving in the Virginia Richmond Mission!

Virginia Richmond Mission~ September 9th, 2015

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Hannah,

My name is Don Pewtress. I guess that we must be related. I have no idea how I came across your blog. I live with my wife, Aeri and my last son Gene on the island of Guam, USA. I was so excited to read of your mission, which is probably finished by now!

Anyway, glad that somehow I happened to see your blog, perhaps led by the spirit, not sure. I served in Korea many years ago in 1970 - and so my Korean wife and I live on Guam, which is USA territory, yet near to Asia.

We can be contacted through Facebook: "Don-Aeri Pewtress", Twitter: @pewdrdad or email:

We are retired here on Guam. I am a High Priest and we are active in church here. Anyway, just a little background.

Wishing the best in your life and the many adventures which lie ahead. Great to get to know relatives wherever they may be. God bless and take care. Don, Aeri and Gene from Guam