Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It Has Begun!

The power of Satan has begun. Yes, the turmoil of him and his bad influence has become even stronger to me. Last week was my interview with the Bishop to start my mission papers. Sometime in April, I can submit them and receive them in a couple weeks. Its definitely going to be an amazing experience and I am so excited to go out and preach this gospel. Yes, life is hard and I put myself down a lot too. But I realized with a little help of my friend that I have got to stop putting myself down for that. It's not only bad for me, but its bad for the people around me. We constantly try to keep our heads up and keep our spirit high, but there are days when we just crumble and feel like the whole world is literally falling in on you. Like you are buried alive in the worldly things. As trying to keep your spiritual high, we sometimes fall down to Satan's level, where we think that the only thing we can do is find something that actually hurts us, not just physically, but also mentally and spiritually. And that's how he wins. Satan wins by not making you doubt your faith but breaking that bond with our Heavenly Father.

As Satan has really worked on me for the past couple months I have really began to kneel to the floor and pray to my father in Heaven. Not only when I doubt myself, but when I doubt others. I don't know why I wasn't really fond of getting on my knees a while ago, because it has been a true blessing in my life to have Heavenly Father right there comforting me and helping me when I am down. No, we won't receive our answers right away, maybe not the next day either, yet Heavenly Father KNOWS exactly when and where we need them. We might be taking a shower and you get that feeling of comfort and you know exactly what you need to do. We need to choose him.

One of my math teachers from my high school sent me the link to watch the LDS Devotional that was on Sunday (January 11th, 2015). I watched it last night which was monday. There were so many key points and helpful hints to help me keep my focus and to remind me of my purpose. I believe that, that was the main point of that devotional was to help us and remind us what our purpose is here in this life and why we are here. The speaker had told a story about a boat. Here is somewhat how it goes... "You are in a lifeboat, with nothing but rolling waves. The boat is equipped with oars, but which direction will you row, you see land and now you know what way to go. Does seeing the island give you both motivation and purpose? People who dont have a purpose are drifters. Have a purpose.."
This really stood out to me. We all have a purpose in life. Whether you know now or you knew years ago, we all have one purpose and that is to follow the commandments and return to our Heavenly Father in heaven. Satan is definitely going to be tempting and pushing you to not follow them, and thats where you go to your father in Heaven and pray that you can withstand his temptation, and say, "Get thee behind me Satan." Stand your ground, but most importantly STAND YOUR FAITH!

Be Strong and remember who you are! 

Have a good week guys! Love you all! :)

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