Johnsen is leaving!! 😫 we have grown so much these past 12 weeks! And
I am really going to miss her! Oh and of course I will miss my family
Well it's finally the Christmas season!! Where we get to remember our
Savior Jesus Christ. And what better way then to listen to Christmas
music. Ahh! I love Christmas music! Anyways... Sister Johnsen and I
have been listening to Christmas music allllllll week! We aren't tired
of it just yet! 😬
Well this past Wednesday I hit my 3 month mark! I honestly can't
believe that I have been out for 3 months already! It's crazy to
Monday: emailed you and had sisters p-day! We just hung out downtown!
Tuesday: we had lunch with Rebecca and Sean. So get this.... Sean is a
member and he is currently attending SVU. and he is Rebecca's
boyfriend. We got a text about a month ago saying "hey we will be
attending church this Sunday and we would love to start taking
lessons." So we have been teaching Rebecca for about a month now! So
that was cool! We asked her to talk to Sean about a date that she
would want to get baptized. She said April 16th, we are going to try
and maybe move her a little bit up, but make her feel comfortable
about it. Nothing else really happened on Tuesday! :/
Wednesday: we had district meeting! And then we had lunch with a less
active, Sunny Cunningham, at El Charro. It's a really good Mexican
restaurant! (Mom I will have to take you here when we come back!)
after that we went to Avante and played Bingo again! Oh how I love
bingo! Then we went to sister Hebdon's and helped her set up her
Christmas stuff! Oh how I missed setting up Christmas at home this
year! Then we went knocking and tried contacting a few investigators.
Thursday: we were suppose to have weekly planning, but we didn't have
the time too. But we had a lesson with Heidi Thelin who is a less
active (kind of, she goes home for church but her records are here so
she is a less active, weird concept.) then we had an on the spot
lesson with Rebecca and sean! And she committed to baptism! So that
was super cool! Later on that night we had a lesson with Alex.
(Whitneys boyfriend, and he really believes that the Book of Mormon is
true!!) then we met this awesome guy, Matt and we talked to him until
we had to leave! So that was cool!
Friday: we finally had weekly planning! And we had a couple lessons
fall through, but the miracle of the day is this girl named Susan. So
sister Johnsen during the summer had met her. She is a roommate to one
of the girls in our ward, and well we have picked her up and dropped
her and we finally picked her up for this time. And we were having a
lesson and she said that she had been praying to know if this was the
true church and if the Book of Mormon was true..... AND SHE GOT AN
ANSWER! She received the answer that it was true! She committed to
baptism for January 16th!!!!! It's so awesome! We still have to teach
her some. Ore lessons, but she is so prepared!
Saturday: transfer call day! Dahn dahn dahn🎼!!! We actually had some
really good lessons and we had service at sister casons! But we
received a phone call later that night from an assistant missionaryto
the president. He was calling due to someone being transferred. Well
we received the news that Sister Johnsen will be leaving! It's so sad
because she was an awesome trainer and she is honestly now one of my
closest friends! I love her so much! I can't believe she is
Sunday: you know! My favorite day of the week! It was so weird,
because for the past 12 weeks I have been in training. And I
officially completed my training, hence the reason why sister Johnsen
is leaving! 😫 today was fast and testimony meeting and well I was in
tears because Sister Johnsen gave an awesome testimony and then Tesa a
recent convert gave hers and another less active bore hers. It was
soooooo emotional! I know that sister Johnsen is going to go to a
wonderful area and she is going to beast it up! So Tesa has 3 girls,
and her husband is not a member, but she has been talking about how
this church has helped her out and how she bore her testimony today
and how she started crying and well her husband said that he wants to
start going to church!!!! Huge miracle! Heavenly Father truly answers
In these past two transfers with sister Johnsen, we may not have had
any baptisms, but I know that we have planted seeds into so many
people's hearts. My testimony has been strengthened as I have been out
on my mission for these past 3 months. Honestly my testimony has
shaken, but I know that when that happens my testimony only gets
stronger! I am so grateful for the Lord and for my Heavenly Father. I
know that we can lean on Them for guidance and safety and peace! I am
so grateful for this church and for the opportunity I have to be a
missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints! Every
morning when I put my name tag on I consecrate my time and day to
serving the Lord! I know that we can baptize and I know that the elect
are out there! Now we just have to find them!
Oh and by the way! You know the BYU Football coach! Bronco Mendenhall!
Yeah well he's moving to UVA! Ohh and he is my companions uncle! Just
thought I should share that with you all! 🏉🏉🏉🏉
Paintings are all around downtown! A photographers favorite things! 😍
Because a Savior is born...... strength is born!
Kristina, Sister Johnsen and I! Kristina is going to Fresno California mission!
And my cute desk! 😂
I love you all and I can feel all of your prayers and support!
Love you all!
Sister Pewtress
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