Monday: let's just say I hate transfers! Not only is P-Day already
stressful, transfer P-Days are extremely stressful! Sister Johnsen and
I got up at 6:00 and went to the church to start working out. Then we
came home, cleaned and got ready for the day we were about to have. We
then had personal and companion study. After that we went to the
church to email all of you! Yes crazy! After emailing, we started
shopping for Christmas presents and started writing letters and a lot
more. We ended our P-Day at 6 pm that night, but then we went to the
members houses to get Sister Johnsen's transfer journal written in. It
was a super stressful day!
Tuesday: well that was the day that sister Johnsen was leaving to be
transferred to a new area, and the day that I would receive my new
companion! But before all of that happened, I was with Hermana
Lichfield and Romero. ALL DAY! Because my companion was down in
Richmond! Well my new companion came back to Harrisonburg at 5:30 that
night! Her name is Sister Baker and she is from Cedar City, Utah! She
was actually Sister Johnsen's companion in the Missionary Training
Center! CRAZY?!RIGHT! She is super super nice and just so loving.
Wednesday: we had to go get my new companion FOOD! So we spent a
little bit of Wednesday shopping for food! And all of that fun stuff!
We then came home and had dinner. Wednesday afternoon was compiled
with service at Avante again! That place is so much fun! Then after
service we had an awesome lesson with SUSAN! She is on date for
January 16th! So exciting! Hopefully all works out so she will be
baptized! She is so awesome and like I said last week, she received
answers now 2x! The first about if this gospel was true and the second
time we had asked her to pray about Joseph Smith and Thomas S.
Monson,and she again received an answer! So that lesson was great! The
rest of Wednesday was just a blurr!
Thursday: it was raining, okay it was actually POURING! But that
doesn't stop us from getting ice cream! 😂 Hermana Beckstead and I
both got ice cream! It was so good. But then we came home and did
weekly planning! That was fun! Okay kind of. We then went and visited
with an inactive member. In my 3 months I have never met her and we
finally met her! CRAZY! That night we had little lessons but it's
Friday: we had an awesome lesson with Susan again in the morning
before she left for her home town. We invited her to go to church
while she was down there! it was such an awesome lesson! After lunch
we headed out to Bridgewater! We had a lesson with a less active and
then we had service at Sister Casons. That's always fun! After that we
area Dairy Queen and met this really awesome Mennonite, and we invited
him to the ward Christmas party that was on Saturday!
Saturday: we contacted potentials all day, and we also had a lesson
with Bill Payne and he just needs to be baptized but can't! Later
that night we had the Ward Christmas Party! But the Mennonite came to
the ward Party!!!! So cool! Then we had a lesson with the DeMastus
family (less active).
Sunday: my favorite day! We had meetings all day until the time where
we had church.! We were praying that Susan would go to church down in
her hometown! GUESS WHAT! SHE DID! She even went by herself! She is
also going caroling with the ward down there! LIKE WHAT?? I'm so
happy!!!! She is so awesome! THAT WAS THEEEE HIGHLIGHT OF MY DAY!
I love you all! I miss you all! And I can't believe it's Christmas
this week! T-Minus 4DAYS!!! Ahh.
Oh and we have Christmas Meeting conference with all of the mission!
Whoop whoop!
Love you all!
New Compy!
Merry Christmas from Rocco Ave!
Merry Christmas!
Feliz Navidad! from Hermana Beckstead and I!
Photo shoot!
Sister Pewtress
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