Monday: well that's the day I last emailed you all! Nothing reallyhappened that night. Except that we were trying to contact a for,weinvestigator who doesn't live in the house anymore. So we knocked onthe door and it was a girl named Shannon, well we talked to her andinvited her to read the Book of Mormon, well we set up a returnappointment, well she wasn't there at the return appointment. 🙄 butit's okay! Monday's are always stressful! P-DAYS! 😂😂Tuesday: we headed out to Bridgewater! We taught the Zimmerman's andinvited Elijah to come to church. We then raked leaves for aninactive family named Annick Dupal, yeah well I got another blister.It's gnarly. Lol! But it's all good. I love doing service! It's thebest medicine!Wednesday: we found a really really cool inactive! He is so cool! Wealso went and served at Avante and as my companion was callingnumbers for Bingo, she swallowed a mint, a whole breath saver. So shethought it got stuck. But we went on through out the night, teaching,then it was New Years, and fireworks kept me up as well as mycompanion because she kept saying how she thought it felt likesomething was in her throat, well we texted our missionary medicaldoctor, and he said to go to the quick care if it didn't feel betterin the morning. Well guess what we did on Thursday!Thursday: that started out at a quick care for a good 3 hours. She wasx-rayed and told that nothing was in there, she said that there was,so they took some more x-rays and found something swollen in herthroat, so they referred us to the emergency room at the hospitalwhere we spent another 5 hours there. They gave her an IV and catscanned her and then we waited for a while till they got the resultsback. All in that time I watched Mormon Messages and did a few otherthings. But let me just tell you hospitals are sooooooo boring!!!!!Everything is okay with my companion, nothing is wrong. The mintwasn't stuck it had just scrapped her throat and left it basicallylike when you swallow a pill and it scratches your throat up. But allis well!Friday: we had zone meeting and then we did Weekly Planning. Not a lotwent on. I love zone meeting because we get to learn how to be betterconsecrated missionaries! 👏🏼. Some of the things were to set goalsand have visions!Saturday: more tracting! We have this awesome family that we startedteaching, they really only speak Arabic, but the kids speak fluentEnglish. Two of the kids came to church with us on Sunday! And theyare just wanting to learn more.Sunday: we got some devastating news........ Susan was researching onthe internet about our church, well that lead to some crazy things.She decided that this church wasn't for her and that she now wouldrather stay with the Catholic faith. My testimony is alwaysstrengthened!! But I am so grateful for Fast & Testimony meeting.Heavenly Father just knows exactly what people need!Monday: OKAY!!!!! Today is starting out great! Hermana Beckstead waslooking out the window and was saying how she thought she saw snow!!!!Well GUESS WHATTT!!!!!!!! ITS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!! ❄️❄️ okay well it'sactually just little flurries, but I live in a place where it snows!And I'm honestly freaking out! My other roommates are laughing at mebecause I'm so excited! Well today is Zone P-Day!! So exciting! Loveyou all!
All of us! Happy New Year!!
Mana Beckstead!
Uhhmmm! We have to have fun too! 😂😂
Well I love you all! STAY STRONG! 💪🏼
Sister Pewtress