with miracles and fun! And just overall tears! Some good tears and
some bad tears, but I have grown so much!
Monday: we did a lot of tracting! We started knocking and found this
girl names Jessica! She is super nice and has a daughter named
McKenzie, and just is super cute family. Her parents were there as
well, and we taught them a restoration, they really enjoyed it, and
when we asked to come back, she said that we could MAYBE, come back!
But that's okay! Heavenly Father has a time and a place for all of His
children! That was the end of the day!
Tuesday: we had an All Mission Christmas Conference down in Richmond!
It's where we all meet together and remember our Savior and get to
hear musical numbers and different missionaries speak! It was truly an
awesome time. Sister Tadd (she is from Las Vegas and her dad and my
grandpa actually worked together, who would have thought that we would
of seen each other)! There was so many good things at that meeting and
it's truly a blessing to be a missionary at this time of season!
Wednesday: we were tracting in this family area, and we decided to go
down this one street. We just started knocking, but there was one door
that stood out to me. Behind this door was a mother who was going
through a hardship, and she has another religion and definitely is
strengthened by peace. Well we start teaching her and she says that
she wants us to not only come back, but to come back and teach her
kids! CRAZY! That's what I'm thinking. So we have an appointment set
up for tomorrow! We then went and served at Avante and played Bingo
with the old folks! And then we basically went tracting the rest of
the night! Except for dinner, we ate at the Mathuseks! They are such a
fun family!
Thursday: Merry Christmas Eve Day! It's both a day and an eve, it's a
Christmas miracle! Haha! It was definitely weird not doing the normal
things you do for Christmas, but I honestly enjoyed it! That day was
filled with rain, but we ended up finding people to teach and
strengthen! We visited a lot of less actives, or at least one and
strengthened them! And then we went over to the Crosby's home with the
Spray's and had Christmas Eve Dinner! It was so good! We had Chicken
Cordon Bleu, and mashed potatoes, and rolls, and so much more!it was
delicious! We then played Apples to Apples with their family ! Then we
had the opportunity to watch them open their Christmas Eve
presents,which consisted of there pajamas, and they told us that we
even needed to have a Christmas that we could remember and they handed
Sister Baker and I, a gift bag. In the gift bag was a cute scarf that
sister Spray had made and a mason jar of peppermint bath salts. I
honestly love both of these families so much! We came home and got
into our pj's and took some Christmas Eve pictures! And then my family
has a tradition of making cinnamon rolls, so I bought some pills bury
cinnamon rolls on Monday in order to have some. Definitely not the
same as homemade ones! 😂😩 but that's okay! Then it was time to go to
sleep, because "Santa" was coming in the morning!
Friday: on the mission Christmas is just another day! It is somewhat
different, but not by much! We still have our regular schedule of
getting up at 6:30 and working out, but today we were able to just
visit with members and basically kind of chill. But one of the
greatest things about today, was the fact that we were able to Skype
our families. We were at the Crosby's for dinner and we skyped them!
Honestly before I started skyping I thought it was going to be super
awkward and just crazy, but it ended up being the best thing that I
needed. I miss my family, don't get me wrong, but I don't miss them
enough to come back! I told my family during Skype that I was never
going to come home. Virginia is just so beautiful and green and you
all on the west coast NEED TO COME OVER HERE! The rest of the day was
filled with seeing members and uplifting them on Christmas Day!
Saturday: let's just say it was a shock that Christmas was just
yesterday!😳 but we found people all day! And we visited with some
less actives and some former investigators!
Sunday: coolest thing happened! So sister Baker was thinking to go
and visit this new family we were teaching. And so we decided to go
see if they wanted to come to church and the mom let the little girl
come with us to church! It was so cool! So thankful for members who
drop everything to come and pick up our investigators. Oh and we
taught a primary class yesterday! That was super fun! Made me miss my
primary kids! The rest of the day was filled with lessons and lessons
and more lessons!
I just want to leave you all with my testimony, that I know Jesus
Christ is our Savior and Redeemer! That He was sent to do the Will of
the Father! I am so grateful for the opportunity to be here in
Virginia serving a mission!
I love you all and hope y'all have a blessed week!
Making cinnamon rolls!
From the other end!
From my end!!
Sister Tadd!
The MTC Clan!
Sister Pewtress
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