Wow, faith is such a amazing thing. We have had to have so much faith this week. This week at UVA was pretty dead. We had been contacting and no one was listening. Rough life, but that's okay. Everyone was going through Finals, right before Christmas Break and so a few people listened but we got no return appointments. It was a pretty hard week.
We did see some cool miracles. We were riding the bus back from grounds and we were coming close to our stop... and I see this lady who was sitting across from us and she looked all warm and so I just commented on her scarf and beanie and we talked for a while. She had asked us if we were students, and we nicely stated that we were missionaries. She then stated that missionaries a while ago came and knocked on her door!!! Ahh, well we invited her to listen again to the message and she said she would, so that was a huge blessing and a lovely miracle that we saw this week!
Sister Olson and I sadly.... hit our (gulp 
) 15 Month mark, which was sooo crazy. So to celebrate we went and ate at Sushi
we even took lots of fun pictures! It was soo crazy to think that we have been out for that long, because it sure doesn't even feel like that.
I am seriously sooo grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I know for a fact that we are not perfect.. we are anything but perfect, but because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can be made whole! I love this gospel sooo sooo much and am soo grateful for this time to serve!
I love you all soo very much! Have a great week!
Sister Pewtress
How our moms feel about our 15 months 

How President Smith feels about us leaving. 
How we feel at 15 Months.......
Another sleep over with the Hermanas!
A cold winter night!
Christmas Lights at the Rotunda!
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