What an amazing week! I just wanted to wish you all a Merry CHRISTmas!
This has seriously been such an amazing Christmas, especially with it being on Sunday and being able to go to church! I love being a missionary. I am so grateful that I have been able to be a missionary for these two Christmases, because He is the reason for the season. The world is so caught up in it being so commercialized, and we truly forget the real meaning of the season. Being a missionary, we just get to go tell everyone about the reason and what a joyous thing to proclaim!
This week we had our Christmas Conference with all of the mission. And so that was fun!
The rest of the week we did service and taught a couple people over Skype. (A new tool that our mission has to teach people). The work is hastening! How great is that.
And last night I was able to see my family over Skype. The last time until I get to see them in 3 months in person. How crazy! Time is seriously flying. And I do NOT WANT TO COME HOME!
Oh and on Christmas Eve, we played Pickleball with an investigator! Super fun!
I know that Jesus Christ is our Brother, our friend, our Counselor, and more importantly Our Savior. How great is that. Without the restored gospel we would not know about the great Plan of Happiness!
I am so grateful for you all and for all of your wonderful gifts. Thank you sooo much! Have a wonderful New Years! And Stay Safe!
Pics below! Sorry there are a ton!
Till 2017
I love you! Have a great week!
Sister Pewtress
Merry Christmas 2016 from Sister Olson and I
Merry Christmas from Sister Pewtress
Sister Olson and I
Charlotte (member), Sister Olson and I. 12/25/16
Christmas Eve tiredness
Christmas Conference special... CAFE RIO.
Sister Johns, Sister Olson, and I. (left to right)
Santa called us his helpers.... we told everyone to change and be nice!
Breakfast with the Hermanas. Hermana Winterton and Hermana Eddington
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