Well, this is it.. I have so many emotions flooding through my head right now, so pray that this email actually makes sense.
In 2015 I started the best experience of my life. I started my mission papers. I never ever had thought about serving a mission. EVER. People asked me what my plans were and what I was doing with my life. I had no idea. So I decided to start praying, that when I found out that I could receive personal answers and revelation for myself. I asked my Heavenly Father what I needed to do with my next couple of years. Whether that was school or to serve a mission.. so I got on my knees and prayed. I received the answer to go and serve a mission. That's when I talked to my Bishop and started my papers. A few months later after, dentist appointments and doctor appointments and filing out a lot of paperwork, my bishop sent them in. I was then able to meet with the Stake President over our Stake. I was then able to serve a mission. After meeting with my Stake president, he sent my papers up to Salt Lake City where I was then able to be assigned to a mission anywhere around the world. They sent them in May and three weeks later I received an envelope in my mailbox. BEST LETTER EVER!
That next day, with much anticipation, I read my call to friends and family. I GOT CALLED TO THE VIRGINIA RICHMOND MISSION! My report date was September 9th, 2015 and I would serve for a period of 18 months.
The MTC was probably one of the funniest times of my life. And one of the hardest. It was hard to say goodbye to my family for 18 months, but I knew that the Lord was going to bless them! All of the missionaries there said, "Just make it to Sunday!" Well I made it.. reasoning why, because I got to see my best friend Alix for the first couple of days before she was shipped off to Russia to server her mission! I gained some of my closest friends and had so many amazing experience!
My first area (one of my favorite areas): HARRISONBURG! One of my favorite places. I had so many amazing experiences and received so many opportunities to learn how to be a great missionary by my trainer Sister Johnsen! We got to meet so many people and got to work a long side young single adults as well as families! It was amazing! After 4 1/2 months I was transferred up to my next area!
My second area: WOODBRIDGE- DALE CITY! I spent only 6 weeks here and it was probably one of the longest six weeks of my life. I learned to truly be humble and to truly rely on the Lord. I was also able to meet one of my closest friends/sisters now in the gospel! Ann was baptized on March 6th, 2016. It was one of the most sacred experiences! She has a close place in my heart, and I will truly miss her soo much!
My third area: TAPPAHANNOCK- WARSAW! I spent 3 months here in this area. I learned to love those who didn't want to change and I learned how we can not force anyone to do anything that they don't want to do, because have agency! I was able to help 2 young girls of a part member family come into the waters of baptism and it was an amazing thing to do. I love how Christ's church invites everyone to come unto Him! I also learned that bugs really like me!! Yikes! Still have scars from the wonderful mosquitoes and chiggers that infested the grass that we tracked in. After 3 months, I left.
My fourth area: FREDERICKSBURG!!!!! Wahoo! Such a fun place! I got to help my companions out and help people strengthen their faith! It was a beautiful opportunity to help the members become involved in missionary work as well! :) sometimes we are sent to areas to help members strengthen their testimonies to help share the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ! After 3 months of being there and getting bit by bugs, I again packed my bags and left to my next area!
My fifth area: CROZET-(Charlottesville 2nd): what a fun area. It was a refiners fire and it wasn't easy! But it was soo great! I loved every single minute of it, and love the members of that area! I learned to truly be okay with stress and to have fun in the work and to continue to serve others!
My sixth area/ last area!!!! WOW! Here we are! After 6 months of being here in this area in Charlottesville YSA, I am soo sad to leave! I have come to love this beautiful area and the members of the Ward! It was so great to be able to serve here for this long! I loved every minute of it. I got to serve as a Sister Training Leader and helped the sisters in the zone strengthen their missionary efforts to fight at the front of the battle. I served as a sister Training Leader for 3 months before becoming a trainer. I was able to finish training Sister Caswell and I also got to be the first trainer for a new missionary, a Sister LeFevre. I have learned so many things. One is that sometimes you can't see your efforts of missionary work, I was able to have a member in Harrisonburg (my first area) give a referral to the sisters down here in Charlottesville at the beginning of the year, and a couple months later and a few areas later, I was able to be part of the baptism of John Mourad! It's so cool how the Lord blesses you for your efforts! I have also come to love the people of Virginia while I have been serving here.
"30 And now it came to pass that all this was done in Mormon, yea, by the waters of Mormon, in the forest that was near the waters of Mormon; yea, the place of Mormon, the waters of Mormon, the forest of Mormon, how beautiful are they to the eyes of them who there came to the knowledge of their Redeemer; yea, and how blessed are they, for they shall sing to his praise forever." (Mosiah 18:30)
I will definitely miss Virginia, but more importantly I will miss he opportunity to serve as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love being a missionary for the Lord and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have had to be the Lord's instrument! I have come to have a deep love for my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ know us personally. They hear and answer our prayers! Talk to them!
I know this church is the true church of Jesus Christ. He is at the head! I know that Joseph Smith through the power of God and direction of him restored the church that Jesus Christ once had. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God as well as the Holy Bible and I know that Thomas S. Monsoon holds the keys of the priesthood here on the earth. If you want to know if this is true.. PRAY! It works! I know that I have served and done all that I could. And I pray that the Lord accepts my efforts! I love you all soo much! And I can't wait to see you in Thursday! Love you!
Sister Pewtress
1: Homecoming Talk, I'd love for you to come!!
2: went to Humpback rock last week (Zone P-Day)
3: My companions "killed" me.. not really.. but they are sending me home!!
4: Teaching a lesson (Aaron and Julius)
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