Monday, May 21, 2018

"EXPECT MIRACLES" (Week 80: 3/13-3/20)

What a week. It was such a good week!

We went on exchanges this week with the Hermanas! And that is always just a good time! They are such great missionaries and just have a love to share the gospel! We got together on Monday night and then spent the whole day Tuesday together. We saw so many miracles and had some really great lessons! We met a lot of cool people this week that were definitely open to hearing Christ's message. It's always great to have people who are willing to hear Christ's message. And it's sometimes really sad to see when people don't accept it. It hurts a lot. You have seen the gospel help you so much in your live and you want to share it with others, so you try to do that and they are just not ready. I sometimes say to myself, "that darn agency!" But then again I am just so very grateful for it! :)

Wednesday to Thursday we had President Smith's daughter stay the night and help us with some missionary work! It was so fun to have an extra person staying with us. Ali is her name and she just returned from her mission from Jacksonville, Florida about 3 weeks ago. So I actually got to talk to her about coming home.. and what it's like. It was so much fun and we laughed a ton! We saw so many other cool miracles with her here! 

This week was kind of slow... but it was soo good. There were a lot of hard times that we all had, and it's hard working in a trio, but there are so many great things as well and it all works! 

Oh and another cool thing happened. So we were at church and we didn't have any investigators or potentials coming to church and so we weren't really on the lookout. Until we see this familiar face.. CLAIRE CAME TO CHURCH! This whole past week we haven't been able to get in contact with her and so it was cool to see that she was coming to church! When we expect miracles we truly see them! The Lord blesses us soo much!

So at the beginning of my mission I had the chance to start the Standard Works. The Standard Works are; the Holy Bible- Old and New Testaments, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Well I started it on September 9th, 2015 and on March 17th, 2017; I was able to say the I have read all scripture that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has as scripture. It was so cool to see how all of them went together and how much our Heavenly Father will not leave us without prophets! I am so grateful for the knowledge. 

This gospel is sooo great! And I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to serve a mission in Virginia for the past 18 months. I am so grateful for the people I have met, and the opportunity that I have had to change others to draw closer to Jesus Christ and the opportunity that I have changed myself! 

Sister Pewtress

1: district Meeting
2: exchanges with Ali Smith
3: St. Patrick's Day cupcakes
4: St. Patrick's day fun!
6: OUR HUGE MIRACLE!!!!- Claire came to church finally! 




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