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Not much happened this week... but that's okay. Not really sure what to write today, either....
This week we focused a lot on the people that we are teaching right now. We had a wonderful lesson with a girl named Allie. She has learned from missionaries in the past, but has never kept a commitment that they had given her. Well since we started meeting with her, she has kept the commitments we have extended to her. She reads basically everyday, and is already farther through the Book of Mormon than I am. Now we just have to show her how she can know if it's true. Deep down we all think she knows it's true! She just doesn't want to accept it. But that's okay, because she will sooner or later. She also came to church on Sunday and is definitely learning a lot.
We stopped teaching Joseph. :( kind of sad, because I seriously had a super strong impression to stop by and teach him, but he truly isn't really interested in meeting with us. He told us that he believes in a higher power but it's not with us. It's just crazy. Not sure exactly what he wants, but we know later down the road he will want to change and want to be baptized.
We are still meeting with Claire. She is seriously one of the most sweetest people I have met on my mission. She is studying to be a teacher and is going to UVA. She is sooo sooo sooo nice. She is kind of like Allie. The first lesson we taught her was the Plan of Salvation. She seriously agreed with everything that we said. Then next lesson we had with her was a church tour and she just really loved how organized the church is. It's awesome. I hope that she will feel deep down that the things we are teaching her are for her and that she too can come into the Church of Jesus Christ.
Both Allie and Claire are super strong in their denominations. Which is sometimes frustrating. But then I think about if two or three random people come up to me (if I wasn't a member) and ask me if they can share a message about the restored gospel, what would I say?? Yes or no?? I have been thinking about that question a lot lately and I still don't know what I would do..
On Thursday, President and Sister Smith came up to do interviews. They also brought their daughter, Ali who just returned from the Florida Jacksonville Mission a few weeks ago. We had the opportunity to have her out with us on Thursday, before the other sisters had their interviews. It was sooo cool! I didn't have an interview with President Smith because he said he was cut for time and didn't want to rush it and so we would do mine the night before I left Virginia, in the mission home. Cool!
I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has the fullness of the truth of the gospel and I know that all of the churches out in the world have truths. I am so grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and the opportunity that I have to live with my family. I have seen so many blessings come from serving a mission, that have definitely strengthened that testimony. How great is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
This week Sister Caswell was reading in 2 Nephi in the Isaiah chapters, the scripture is.....
2 Nephi 19:21; ".......For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still."
I am having a hard time coming home. Sometimes we are angry with Heavenly Father for the things that we are going through or the way that someone has harmed us. We turn our backs to Him and sometimes we turn away from him, leaving us apostatizing (in a way) him. Yet when we leave His side and no matter how long we are away from Him, His hand is stretched out still. Because of the atonement of Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ, WILL NEVER LEAVE US! He loves us way to much to just let us fall. I love this quote by an Apostle from the Church...
“However many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made … , I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.” - Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
I am so grateful for this knowledge... no matter how imperfect we are.. or how downtrodden we feel we will never ever be far enough to feel of our Saviors Atonement. How great is that. I know at this point in my life I am so grateful for that. I have been feeling somewhat sad. Knowing that Satan is making me think that I didn't fulfill all of my call while serving my mission, but I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ make up the difference that I didn't have.
Thank you all so much for the support these last couple of weeks. I have truly loved receiving letters/postcards and I can definitely feel your prayers that you have sent my way!
I love you all, and I will see you all tooo soon!
Sister Pewtress
1: Zone Meeting! Last one
2: Funny picture! Las Vegas here I come!
3: Beautiful houses in Virginia!
popcorn popping on the apricot trees!
4: Lunch at Roots with Ali Smith! :)
5: S'mores dip with the Hermanas for Comp Study!
6: My last letter from Cectpa Xay from Russia! 🇷🇺
7: Lunch at Burger Bach with Chris!
8: Comp selfie with the Rotunda!
9: The Elders pranked our car! Haha
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