Monday, July 11, 2016

"#TWISTER!" (Week 41: 6/13-6/19)

What an awesome week! There was a lot going on!
A lot of people from the ward are moving and so we did a lot of moving
this week.

Monday: we went to downtown Fredericksburg. Super fun. There is so
much history here in this town. This town is the middle of the Civil
War. Talk about Confederacy. Crazy how much history is over here. I
live in an area with battlefields in the area of people's homes. So

Tuesday: we helped a member paint/move. We painted the new house and
we moved some of the things. And then another member is moving as well
but out to Maryland. So we did some service for her as well. We had
some awesome lessons. We had a lesson with a lady who knows that the
Book of Mormon is true. She even asked us if she we knew anything
about the "losses sheep"! YES WE HAVE THE BOOK! We told her that she
has had the book at her house for over 3 weeks!! Crazy!! After that we
stopped by Derrick and Brenda's.

Wednesday: we had district meeting. And everyone have a 5 min
training/testimony. Mine was on faith. And let me just tell you in a
world of so much turmoil we have to have faith. Faith is so so so
important. It brings us closer. It's definitely hard in this world to
have faith, but I know it gives me a hope. After District meeting we
went and helped a family again move. Super fun. After dinner we tried
a couple of people but no one was really home. We ended up at a less
actives house who is going to another church. We talked about that
church and the difference. We then headed home!

Thursday: we weekly planned for a while. The we headed out to visit
people. We stopped by a less active who has a hard time remembering
things. But we read the bible with her. Super sweet lady. After that
we went and visited with another less active. She is super sweet. But
while we were at her home, the severe warning noise went off. They had
predicted another TORNADO! And half size dollar hail. Well we
thoughtwe should leave and head to our dinner appointment. Well we got
out and nothing was really happening. Just thunder. But we were
driving and we start hearing large thumps on our car. I look out the
window and its HAIL. it was huge. The rain was the crazy part. I have
a video. But the rain was so bad we couldn't see. So we pulled into a
rite aid and waited a few minutes. After that we headed to the other
sisters apartment to wait out the storm. And while we were running in,
we got soaked by the rain and got hit a couple of times by the hail.
Super crazy story. Later that night we visited with a less active/part
member family. Super fun. Then we went and saw another less active.
Successful day other than the storm.

Friday: we went and did some service at a place called Safe Harbor.
It's for kids and not sure what happens but I'm guessing just to keep
kids safe from violence and what not. After that we had a lesson with
someone in a nursing home who is suffering from some problems, but
while we were there, this lady came up to Sister Manson and I and
kissed us on the cheek. So cute. And then our appointment for
lunch/lesson wasn't home, so we ended up going home to eat. Then we
ran to Tropical Smoothie Cafe, to get our free smoothie! :) after that
we tried visiting with some people. Later that night after dinner we
visited with a member who is going through a rough part. So we talked
to her and helped her out. And then we went and visited with Derrick
and Brenda! I just love them!

Saturday: We helped the Helzer's move. It was a lot of lifting and
moving, but it was great. After that we went and helped Derrick and
Brenda paint a living room in their house. Sister Manson and I are pro
painters! Y'all would be proud! :) (especially my dad). Later after
dinner we headed back over to Derrick's to actually have a lesson. It
went really well!

Sunday: HAPPY FATHERS DAY! I hope y'all had an awesome one. I'm so
grateful for my dad and all that he does to support me! I am also
thankful for my Heavenly Father as well! It was a good Sunday! We had
a baptism at the church for an 8-year old and so a member invited a
lot of investigators. So we basically contacted them and yeah very
successful! After that we Visited a part member family. Then we had
dinner. Then we went back over to Derricks house. Lol! We spend a lot
of time there. He thinks of us as his kids!

I'm so grateful for all of the things that I am learning while here
serving a mission. Things may get rough but I know I can always lean
on my Heavenly Father and all of y'alls support. Thank you for
everything! :)

I know that the gospel blesses families. I have seen it in my life and
so many others. I know this is the church that Jesus Christ had one
set up and that it is restored again!

Sister Pewtress
We fed horses at an investigators house

Tropical Smoothie for Flip Flop day! ☀️

Flat Stanley stole my name Tag!

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