this email is super long!
Monday: we emailed! Pretty great! It was super fun! Then after
Preparation day we went over to a family in the ward named the
Blakely's, where we had Family home evening! It was super fun and we
talked about love and loving each and everyone of our family members.
We had an activity where we passed around a piece of paper with each
persons name on it and while it went around the room, each person
wrote what they loved about that person! They loved it. We then had
sugar cookies, the ones from the store.... Yeah they are sooo yummy!
(Not as good as my moms though)
Tuesday: Sister Ngosha got to go to the temple and tour Washington,
D.C.! I'm a little envious of her. But I'll be there soon! While
Sister Ngosha was at the temple I got to be on an exchange with
another sister. Her name is Sister Garrigues! She has only been out
for I believe 4 months? It was fun! We had quite a few lessons. One
with a less active, Ann who was preparing for baptism, and Joshua who
is a recent convert! They were awesome lessons! At around 4 o'clock I
went with Marie who is also a recent convert and we went down to
Fredericksburg to pick my companion back up! Let me just tell you....
The Vegas 5 o'clock rush hour is nothing compared to Nova traffic
(Northern Virginia)! It was sooo crazy! We then ate dinner with Marie!
Wednesday: we went to Ann's house because she was being interviewed
for her baptism on Saturday! She met the qualifications for baptism
and was now ready! It was so exciting to see her. She is such an
awesome person! Later that night we had the opportunity to go visit
with a less active, Negat. She works every Sunday so she doesn't get
the chance to come to church! π I hate how this world works on
Sunday's! But she is just so awesome and her faith in Jesus Christ is
sooo strong!
Thursday: not much happened.. Just a regular day in the mission field.
Didn't have a lot of lessons, but we had one with Richard (recent
convert). We also ate lunch at a Chinese Buffet. It was really good!!
Friday: we had zone meeting! Woop woop! So much revelation comes from
the meeting! After that we were able to go to a lunch appointment with
someone from Bolivia, we went with the Hermanas and she fed us
Sillaponchos(sp); which is rice, with French fries, a piece of steak,
with an egg (still runny) and some tomato and onion mix w/ vinegar! IT
WAS SOOO GOOD! After that we went to go see Ann again! We wanted to
make sure she was prepared for baptism and answer any last minute
Saturday: Sister Thiele made Sister Ngosha and I baby blankets for our
kids! So we went and had to tie knots on them! They are soo cute!
After that we came home and ate lunch! We then had a lesson with a
Recent convert, now less active family who is going through a rough
time, we testified that Jesus Christ knows all of our pains and
afflictions. But after that lesson we went over to try and see
Kingsley who was suppose to get baptized today, but didn't... π₯ he
wasn't ready! But we headed to the church because Ann was getting
baptized today! She was soo prepared! She was so happy and excited to
make this covenant with the Lord. So we went to the church. We had the
program all set up! Everything was going sooo well! She was baptized
by her uncle who is also a convert to the church! As she came up out
of the water, the spirit engulfed her. She came out of the water and
cried! Sister Ngosha and I were both in tears! It was an amazing
experience and opportunity and I know there is a reason why I am here
on my mission! This joy that people feel as they are baptized with
the priesthood authority is tremendously amazing! It was such a
powerful and testifying experience! As we were driving home from the
baptism, we were so happy! Until we get a call from the Assistants to
the President. Yes 6 weeks is up, and guess what..... Sister Pewtress
is getting transferred again! π³π³ππ I'm going to miss Dale City.
This area is so amazing and there are so many prepared people! So I
will no longer be here. I'm not sure where I am going yet, but we will
Sunday: what a wonderful Sunday! Ann was able to receive the gift of
the Holy Ghost! And the spirit was so strong! All day we were saying
goodbye to members and finishing up all of our stuff! We are so sad to
Monday (today): throughout this past week and these past 6 weeks have
often wondered to myself if being a missionary was worth it. If
missing my family had to continue. If I needed to stay. I wanted to
come home because missionary work isn't easy. Each day you are tossed
around, it's as if you have been thrown in a fire and back into an ice
cold river. It's physically, emotionally tiring. So why do I stay? My
companion has asked me that a couple of times this past transfer. I
thought to myself, my Savior didn't give up on me, so why should I
give up on Him. As I have been studying so many things have come to my
head. Specifically today! I was reading "Missionary Work & the
Atonement" by Elder Holland (an apostle). Here are a few key things
that have stuck out to me!
- "I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation
is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. We are The Church
of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head.
How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever
easy for Him? It seems to me that missionaries and mission leaders
have to spend at least a few moments in Gethsemane. Missionaries and
mission leaders have to take at least a step or two toward the summit
of Calvary. Now, please don’t misunderstand. I’m not talking about
anything anywhere near what Christ experienced. That would be
presumptuous and sacrilegious. But I believe that missionaries and
investigators, to come to the truth, to come to salvation, to know
something of this price that has been paid, will have to pay a token
of that same price."
This is so true. Missionary work isn't easy because this is salvation
we are talking about. These past 6 weeks I have come to know my Savior
I have pleaded with Him and with my Heavenly Father if I should just
come home. And I know Heavenly Father answered my prayers. I am not
needed at home. There is nothing back home that is waiting for me. But
I know there are people (just like Ann) who are waiting for me! I know
I need to "Forget myself and get to work!"
I know my Savior is there and that He is aware of each and everyone of
our trials. He knows what we are going through and he has taken away
most of our burdens, but we have to follow Him! I know my Heavenly
Father loves me and each and every one of you! I know you can talk to
him in prayer whenever you need him!
Sorry this email is so long, I just felt that I needed to share this
with you all! I love you all so much! And I miss you dearly, but the
Lord has need of me here!
This upcoming Wednesday I hit my 6 month mark! Crazy to think I only
have a year left and oh how that time is going to fly by!
I love you all so much!
Talk to y'all next week! ππππ
Sister Pewtress
Ann's Baptism!
My companion and I!
The Hermanas!