22 weeks which is like 5 months! Crazy! Tomorrow I hit my 5 month mark
of being on a mission! No one ever told you how hard a mission would
be. Only how great and how amazing you would feel after your mission
was over. No one ever told me how strong you could feel the spirit or
how close you would get to the Savior! Not a lot went on this week. I
don't know how many people know this, but my companion and I were in a
small car accident. All is okay and no one is hurt, except for the
car. So therefore we have been asking members for rides and walking a
ton! The walking part isn't all that bad, but it does make us quite
exhausted, but I just feel like I am depending on my Saviors strength!
Monday: we hung out with the Hermanas at their apartment, because they
were willing to drive us around to get our groceries and to be able to
email all of you! And then we hung out at their apartment, and they
live in this really nice apartment that actually has a flat screen tv,
so they set up a little d.v.d. Player to watch church movies on them!
GREATEST IDEA! So we have movie days on Mondays! ππΌππΌ
Tuesday: we had District meeting, so some of the other sisters in our
district were willing to pick us up to take us! Then after lunch we
met with Nana! He was a referral from the Hermana's! He is super
prepared! After that we walked a lot and talked to quite a few people!
Wednesday: we walked to try and visit a potential investigator but we
couldn't quite find his house.. But Sister Ngosha and I stopped by the
7-11 that is by our house and got a slurpee and a donut! ππΌ so good!
After that we came home and ate lunch! Then we had our sweet member
Marie take us to some peoples houses. One of them is Ann! She is soooo
prepared as well! She is so ready to be baptized. She has been to
church even! So she is ready! We set her on date for February 20th,
so please keep her in your prayers. After that we had another awesome
lesson with an investigator names Samuel! He is also from Ghana! He
has so many questions. And one of them is "how we have the authority
and how no other church has authority?" So we of course told him about
it, but we also need to do research on it! But it was an awesome
lesson. After that we stopped by Aminatta's house! She is a recent
convert along with her grandson Emmanuel! They are so cute and fun to
be around! It was a very successful day!
Thursday: WEEKLY PLANNING DAY! But we also taught Nana again! He is
soooooo ready! Then we walked over to dinner. And then we had a couple
lessons. One with a young single adult, who is somewhat less active
and another with Richard who just got baptized last Saturday! It was
Friday: we didn't do a lot of teaching. But we taught one guy who we
had met yesterday while we were walking to dinner. He said we could
come to his house. We had walked so far and for so long. And come to
find out all he was looking for was "friendship"! But after that we
are some Panda Express! It was sooo good and I missed it so much! But
after that we had to go back to somewhere where there was computers so
Sister Ngosha had to work on "my plan", so we did that till we went to
dinner. After dinner we went and visited with this cute family who is
working and has two kids she is raising while her husband is leaving
back in Africa! She is so sweet and is so excited to learn about
Saturday: we did quite a lot of walking! Not to bad, but we had a
missionary meeting. With our ward missionary! Then after that we came
back and had lunch! We then went to a lesson who is a referral from
the church headquarters! We talked a lot about different things and
she told us a lot of stuff about how to keep your marriage from losing
its fire! AWKWARD LESSON! After that we had a lesson with Kinsely!
He's super solid as well! We then went and ate dinner with the
Thiele's. They lived in Las Vegas! And guess what ward they were in!
The SAN DESTIN WARD! Guys!! She was in my aunt Chandra and uncle
Jasons' ward! Crazy! They then moved out here! :)
Sunday: fast and testimony meeting at church, so of course the new
missionaries bear their testimonies! I didn't even cry! π haha. It
was a great day because we actually had a lesson with Nana & his wife
Rachel and they both want to learn more! So that was sweet!
Missionary work isn't easy! You truly have to depend on the Lord! It's
definitely easier! There are definitely days where I would love to
give my family a huge hug, watch a movie, lay in bed till 10 am! But I
know that I am not going to get these 18 months back! I am going to
push through! I love you all! The church is true. Joseph Smith was a
true prophet who brought the fullness of the Gospel back to the earth!
The Book of Mormon is the word of God and goes WITH the bible! I love
you all and am so grateful for your support!
Stay Classy! ✌πΌπ
Sister Thiele!!
Golf cart riding! Haha not, it was just in our apartment!
Sorry there isn't a lot of pictures! More this week! Love you all!
Sister Pewtress
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