Wow! What a fun, crazy, busy, packed week it was. I seriously don't think I even took a chance to breathe. But that's okay. Who even needs air. Haha! This week was soo amazing and I am so grateful for all of the miracles that we were able to see and all of the opportunities that I was able to have this week.
There were so many cool things that happened, but I am going to try to keep them all pretty organized.
- Tuesday!! Wow! That was probably one of the longest days, but ONE OF THE BEST DAYS! Though I am really sad. At the end of our missions we are able to go to the temple. At the temple we do ordinances or we make special covenants with our Heavenly Father kind of like baptism for us to be able to return to live with Him again. The temple is one of THE MOST sacred places on this earth other than our homes. The Lord literally is there all of the time. Well as we go slowly down to the last 6 weeks of my mission this week, my mission president combined two transfers of missionaries, into one so that we could all go up together. It was really cool. I had about 4/11 companions there with me at the temple. It was a pretty neat experience. I seriously love the temple and the feelings that I felt there were so so specials. I could literally feel the spirit there throughout the whole time. I was even able to take some family names with me to help them with their temple work because they have passed away. It was seriously one of the best things. I love the temple and the Washington, D.C. Is seriously my favorite one (other than the Las Vegas temple). I seriously was in love with it. We spent most of the day there and then we headed back our separate ways. It was a wonderful break from the real world of stress and what not and I received a lot of answers to questions that I have been having.
- Thursday was my 17 month mark! Can you believe that? It does not even feel like I have been on my mission for 17 months, let alone 2! I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have been able to grow and serve here in Virginia. It has seriously become holy ground to me and I just love the people here.
- The rest of the days we have been just meeting with people and helping them all draw closer to Jesus Christ. John, Josh, and Sam are all doing pretty well. Ohh but a cool miracles happened. A long time ago, when Sister Olson was here we found this guy named Joseph. Well Joseph he was struggling really bad and didn't really feel like he needed to change and so he basically stopped answering our texts and our calls and never answered the door at his house. But on Thursday night I got this really weird prompting to try him. DONT KNOW WHY.. I kind of pushed it off, but we had some time so I informed Sister Caswell of what I had received and so we started heading there. We ended up knocking on his door and he was there. The Lord truly knows his people! :) it was a really cool experience of following the spirit. We are now teaching him again and we are going to help him change!
- Saturday was the day that Sister Caswell and I were dreading...... we didn't want it to ever come. Reasonings behind it are; 1) it's my last transfer! Kind of freaking out... okay REALLY FREAKING OUT, and 2) it was transfer day! One of the hardest days ever. We weren't really sure what was going to happen, as I have been here for a while, so we just went through our day. Well we knew something was going to happen but we just weren't sure. Well it gets sooo stressful around 6pm, because that is when calls come in. Well we went through the whole night waiting for a call and never received one, which was good... until 9:30 when one of the Assistant to the Presidents called, saying that there was good news and bad news. He asked us which one we wanted first and we said the good news.... well he said there wasn't any bad news, but that the good news was that we were both staying and that we were getting a third sister in the companionship. We are both going to train this new sister!!! It's sooo exciting. And so she is literally a brand new missionary right from the Missionary Training Center! Sooo cool! We are both super excited!
I know that the Lord knows each one of us and that he is aware of what we go through! There are days when life gets int he way, but I know that the Lord seriously shows sooo many blessings to those who keep the commandments. Remember to align your will with Heavenly Father's will and you will seriously be the happiest person in the world!
I just wanted to share this quote with y'all! Remember that everything is going to work out in the end!
"Keep trying. Keep believing. Be happy. Don't get discouraged. Things will work out." - President Gordon B. Hinckley
I am so grateful to be here in Virginia, serving the wonderful students of Charlottesville and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to be here one more transfer and to work my hardest! I love my mission and I am so grateful for the person that I have become.
I love you all! I hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Sister Pewtress
1-8; temple pics! The one with 4 other sisters around me were all of my comps.
9-; heart attacking members and investigators!
10-; finished the Book of Mormon again for the 5th time on my 17-month Mark! 

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