Okay... that's it. Time is flying way to fast. I don't understand.... this is way to weird. I feel like I seriously said goodbye to you all like 2 weeks ago. I do NOT want to come home. I am having mixed emotions all over again about leaving the place that I have called home for 18 months.
This past week we started my last transfer and with that we got some new additions. You all ready for the craziest week that we had.
So Tuesday! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope it was a great one! I hope you ate lots of chocolate. For a Valentine's Day we cut out a bunch of hearts and went to grounds and passed them out. On the hearts it said, "you are loved." It was so fun! We even handed out a Mormon.org card with it. People loved them. We also went heart attacking with a member of the ward. Her name is Ali! She is soo awesome! Then we headed down to Richmond later that night so we could be there for our training meeting on Wednesday! So we stayed with the Henrico Hermanas. It was pretty fun!
Wednesday was the day where our whole next transfer was going to change. We got to the church building at 9:30 and we got trained on how to be a good trainer. Lol! We then received our new companion. we are training together! Our new companion is Sister Lefevre. She is from Bountiful, Utah. She went to school at BYU for a semester before she came out. She is super awesome and is so ready to work! She is so fun!
This week we saw so many miracles. It was so crazy!
A cool miracle that we saw was from a referral we got from Church Headquarters. We had put it into our plans pretty much everyday for the past week and it just didn't feel right to go and see them. Oh and they live quite a few miles away! So it would take up a ton of our time/miles. So we kept putting it off. Then this past Saturday, I had a prompting to go and see them. We get there and it's basically in the boonies, and we first off knocked the wrong door at first, because numbers are very different here, and so instead of driving we decided to walk to their actual house. We didn't understand why we got this referral either because it was pretty close to another areas boundaries... but we went and started walking to their house. As we are walking this mini van starts driving up and is like beaming with a smile. We were like what the heck. They actually pull into the street right across from our referral and they get out and say, "SISTERS!" We were kind of confused.. anyways we started talking. The mom ended up being a member of the church, went on a mission, and is basically inactive. She hasn't been to church for about 4 years. Crazy! Anyways. Missionaries, visiting teachers, bishops.. haven't been by their house for about 4 years. Crazy to think that the Lord used us as an instrument for this work. If I never followed that prompting we would have never met her and we would have never been able to talk to the other missionaries. It's just soo crazy how the Lord works.
I know that as we are open to the spirit we won't need to ask, what we should be doing? The Lord will put us where he needs us to be. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of us each individually and that He knows our needs.
I invite y'all to.. if you haven't just be a friend to the people you home teach or visit teach. We are with those people for a reason and it is because the Lord needs us there with them. Find someone who you haven't seen at church for a while. And go pick them up!
I invite y'all to also read a talk! It was given in the Priesthood session of General Conference of October 2016. I will put the link right here!.... (https://www.lds.org/general- conference/2016/10/emissaries- to-the-church?lang=eng) I know it's for home teachers, but it can be applied to visiting teachers as well!
I am so grateful for the organization of the church. It is truly wonderful! I love y'all sooo much! :) have an amazing week!
1: Happy Valentine's Day!
2: with Ali!
3: last Monday, Zone P-Day!
4: training meeting!
5: Bo-Berry biscuits from Bojangles!
6-7: Trio timin! :) we all matched too! Didn't even plan!
8: red door
Sister Pewtress
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