Well today marks 16 months in the field. That just blows my mind. Time seriously has flown by so fast. The longer I am out, the more I don't want to come home.
This week was definitely a super crazy one. Monday was kind of our normal P-Day. Except that Sister Olson needed to say goodbye to some people. That was soo sad. Sister Olson and I have shed a lot of tears... :(
Tuesday is when the storm hit. It was just a crazy day! But a good day! The Hermanas and us, all drove down to Richmond for transfer Meeting, which was super fun. It helped Sister Olson and knot cry as much, but we were definitely very quiet on our way down. I was really sad to see her leave.
but I also got a new companion. My new companions name is Sister Caswell, she is from Lehi, Utah. She is a pretty new missionary. She has only been out for two months, and so she had one companion who trained her for the first 6 weeks, but the President asked me to be her companion and so I am training her for the last 6 weeks. Sooo crazy! She is soo fun. She was in color guard and she just has such a love for missionary work.
The rest of the week was pretty normal, until Friday came.... we were tracting and this one apartment complex trying to find people who were prepared for the gospel, when all of a sudden it started snowing.
️!! Ahhhhh!! Well it snowed all day and it didn't start sticking until the afternoon, but it started to get colder... but everything was working out. :) we were totally safe and everything.
The rest of this week was freezing. The highs were only 20 and the lows were around 10, but with humidity and the wind blowing it literally felt like -50 degrees, haha just kidding, but this Vegas girl is not a huge fan of snow! Lol!
But this week was soo good. I am so grateful to be serving herein Charlottesville here. It really is soo amazing. We found so many prepared people. Here are a few of the people we met and a little back story!
- Maya, she is going through a really rough time and it was seriously a miracle that we found her. We were actually contacting a potential at the place where she lives, but the guy we were contacting wasn't home. She answered the door and said that she wanted to change her life. What a blessing!! We are teaching her a lot!
- Chris! We were actually contacting people at the mall, and Sister Caswell and I felt like someone was staring at us, and so Sister Caswell decided to talk to them. Well Chris had been listening to missionaries along time ago, and he slowly stopped meeting with them.. and so we ended up teaching him at the mall at that time.
The Lord has so many prepared people in our midst and it is seriously our responsibility to share this great message with others.
Sister Caswell and I were suppose to teach the Relief Society lesson yesterday at church, but because of the snow storm, they cancelled third hour and we only had Sacrament Meeting and Sunday school.
But as we were planning for our lesson, we read a talk from this past general conference called, "Sharing the Restored Gospel," it was so good and I invite y'all to go and read it and try following the things that were taught and given by Elder Oaks. I know that as you do so, the Lord will bless you with the things that you stand in need of.
I am so grateful for the chance to share the gospel with the people of Charlottesville and I know I have been called here for a reason!
I love you all and pray you all have a wonderful week! Until next time! GOD SPEED!
Sister Pewtress
My cute comp, Sister Caswell |
The Beautiful "White" Grounds |
The snow in the "backyard" |
Life of a missionary.. walking through |
Chapel on the Grounds of UVA |
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